Cyber Security Training for Employees

Protect your business from cyber threats with Employee Cyber Security Awareness Training & phishing awareness training

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Reduce Cyber Risk Caused By Human Error, Affordably

Reduce the risk of human error with Cyber Security Training for Employees

Human error is one of the leading causes of cyber incidents. With Speedster IT, you can educate and empower your employees to spot and stop phishing threats, and follow cybersecurity best practices with information security awareness.

Cyber Security Training for Employees

By investing in our IT security awareness program, you can significantly reduce the risk of cyber attacks caused by human error.

Shield your business with knowledge

The Best Cyber Security Training for Employees


Affordable and effective online Cyber Security Training for Employees

We understand that cybersecurity should not break the bank. That's why we offer affordable training solutions that deliver results. Our automated training campaigns and reporting system make it effortless for you to set up and manage your training IT security awareness program. Save time and resources with our "set-it-and-forget-it" approach, while still achieving excellent outcomes.

Stay compliant and protect your business with cybersecurity training courses

Don't let non-compliance put your business at risk. Our security awareness training program helps you maintain compliance with industry regulations. Avoid high fees for non-compliance by conducting ongoing security awareness training with Speedster IT.

Satisfy insurance requirements with company-wide cyber security training

When it comes to purchasing or renewing cyber liability insurance, having a strong cybercrime protection program is essential. Our user security awareness training program satisfies the requirements for cyber liability insurance, giving you peace of mind knowing that your business is well-protected.

Security Training Made Easy

We believe that security training shouldn't be complicated or time-consuming. With Speedster IT, we make it easy for you to implement an effective advanced security awareness training program without any hassle or unnecessary complexity.

Engaging Content

Engage your audience with compelling content. Choose from a wide selection of plug-and-play phishing simulation kits and animated video lessons, which are accompanied by short quizzes. This ensures that training reaches every employee even, cyber security training for non-technical employees, regardless of their level of tech-aversion.

Seamless Automation & Reporting

You can easily schedule training and phishing campaigns up to a year in advance. Reports will show the training results for the entire organization, as well as individual employees, and they will be automatically delivered to the designated recipients.

Customisable IT security awareness materials

Customize phishing emails by tailoring email addresses and attachments to mimic threats specific to your organization. This will significantly increase the effectiveness of your training.

Always-Current Training Assets

New phishing kits, IT security awareness quizzes, and IT security awareness videos are released monthly to reflect the ever-evolving threat landscape and ensure that your employees remain vigilant against potential dangers.

Level up your team's security now